spring 2024




(by ICC students paid for their work)

Over the Moon

fiction by C. Engman

“I’m used to complicated.”

“Not like this.”

In My Dreams

Fiction by Kaelyn Faulk

“The glass of the windshield shattered and flew around the car, cutting everything through its path. It all happened so quickly. Sixty seconds and it was silent. The driver groaned, asking if everyone was okay, but only the sounds of deep breaths answered.”


Nonfiction by Aiden Lal


fiction and nonfiction

by ICC students

spring 2023

Russian Doll

By: Akhmatova

“If in the USA every teenager dreams about their first car, then every teenager in Russia dreams about America.”


By: Alex Nacin

“I looked at him, wondering what I should say or how to react, remembering all the stories I’ve heard on the internet, but he decided to say it again. Jesus loves you.”

The Bed of Fog

By: Corbin Thomsen

Spring Summer

2022 2022

New Fiction by Chelbe Johnson

Out of My Mind

“Oh my god!” I am frightened by the strange sight in front of me. It's me. I try to use any force I can to move but I can't. All I can do is watch. “Mom! Help me!”

So, She Didn’t. And, It Did.

Nonfiction by Kylee Leach

Heading Home

Nonfiction by Jaime Keeling

Tulsa Race Riot, Almost Remembered

Nonfiction by Jalen Teague

Fall 2021

New Nonfiction Stories

  • Not So Lovey-Dovey

    Teresa Schindler writes about the complicated relationships between parents and daughter.

  • My Name Was Not Always Alycia

    Alycia Hauck describes how she found her family.

  • Hard Life Worth Living

    Brin Stark illustrates the anxiety and uncertainty that comes with a family member’s health emergency.

New Fantasy Fiction

In this short excerpt from a longer fantasy story, Paige Smith shows us a glimpse into a dark (and magical) royal court.

New Poetry


    Miriam Fernandez-Bazylewicz, an international student, shares a Spanish-language poem.